5 Tips para ser ACTIVO
3. Siempre es bueno tener un compañero para hacer actividad física. Mi compañera es mi mejor amiga. Jade, Mi pastora alemán que siempre me está diciendo” apúrate, vamos muy lento, no te quedes” Ella es súper dinámica y me transmite su alegría. Un compañero, o amigo siempre le va a motivar a salir por la puerta y no quedarse pensando si va o no a hacer la actividad.
4. Divida los 40 minutos de actividad en fracciones de 20 o 10 minutos al día, si Ud. vé que no tiene tiempo de caminar la hora completa, Fracciónela en 2 o 3 veces al día, si considera que no dispondrá de la hora. Es mejor algo que nada. Esto puede brindar los mismos beneficios que 30 minutos a la vez.
5. Tomar el almuerzo en el movimiento. No pase su hora de comer sentado. Agarra una comida rápida y ligera, y vaya al gimnasio o a dar un paseo con compañeros de trabajo. Motívese a caminar. Si trabaja en un centro comercial, camine después de comer antes de subir a su oficina.
Espero esto le sea útil para iniciarse en un programa de actividad física si aún no lo ha hecho. Si requiere asesoramiento, no dude en contactarme o deje un comentario debajo del artículo y gustosamente le responderé.
Fitness Specialist
Directora Ejecutiva
Mercadeo Especializado
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FacebooK: Liliana Lugo Lásser
5 Tips to be ACTIVE
It is very important to enroll into physical activity three or more times a week and with some methodology in order to measure results and work with time, frequency, distance and intensity. I have a measure of time in which for every 160 steps at low intensity, counting left and right,I run for 60 seconds and at that same pacer I run 1 mile in 13.28 min., With a total of 2,160 steps. Try acquiring and working with a pedometer. Pedometers are inexpensive and easy to use and help you keep track of how active you are. Build up to 7,000 steps a day or more. This could add approximately 3 miles.
2. Choose activities you enjoy. Not all people like to exercise in a gym or participate in a classroom setting. Choose activities you enjoy. A lot of different things count as exercise: dancing, walking, playing basketball, playing frisbee, mountain, climbing, jumping rope, walking on the beach. Choose an activity that puts you in motion.
3. It is always good to have a partner to be active with. My partner is my best friend. Jade, My German Shepher. She is always telling me "hurry up, we're going too slow, do not slow down" She is super dynamic and gives me joy. A partner or friend is always going to motívate you to step out of the door and not be wondering whether or not you should do the activity or not.
4. Divide the 40 minutes of activity in fractions of 20 or 10 minutes a day, if you see that do not have time to walk the full hour,You can break it down in 2 or 3 times a day if you think you will not have the time to do it all at once. It's better than nothing. This can provide the same benefits as 30 minutes at a time.
5. Do not spend your lunch time sitting. Take lunch on the move. Grab a quick light,lunch and go to the gym or a walk with coworkers. Get motivated to walk. If you work in a mall, walk after eating before going to his office.
I hope this is useful to start a physical activity program if you have not already done so. If you need advice, please contact me or leave a comment below the article and we will gladly respond.
Fitness Specialist
Executive Director
Mercadeo Especializado
For more information in private, group or community fitness assessment and physical wellbeing you can contact me at:
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FacebooK: Liliana Lugo Lásser